88 Temple Shikoku Pilgrimage - Day 4

Day 4 - Tuesday, 2016-04-05
Cape Muroto / Iya Valley

Woke up at 5 AM to watch the sunrise, this hotel and the cape we are in are known for the spectacular sunrises, I could not miss this opportunity to see the sunrise in the land of the Rising Sun. 

However, it was way overcast, could not see the sun rise from the ocean, when I first saw a glimpse of it it was already a few degrees above the horizon. but took a few pictures anyway.
Sunrise from the Land of the Rising Sun:

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After a fantastic multi-course gourmet breakfast we walked along a path along this rocky shore for about 45 minutes to the caves where Kobo Daishi meditated for 2 years after his return from China. He went to meditate until he reached enlightenment.

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Along the way we saw the another reminder that this area is prone to tsunamis:

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Kobo Daishi’s statue:

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This is the cave where legend says Kobo Daishi lived while meditating until he reached Enlightenment:

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After visiting the cave and we hopped on the bus for a one hour drive to the trailhead for our 2 hour hike trek to Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji).

Hiking up to Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji):

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Gate to Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji):

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Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji) pagoda style hall:

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Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji) main hall:

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A red Buddha statue is sometimes found at the temples, if you are injured or feel pain if you pray and touch the statue at the injured/painful body part, you will be healed:

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Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji) has one of the more colorful altars:

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Pilgrims lighting incense at Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji):

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Pilgrims praying at Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji):

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Monk doing calligraphy on my pilgrims book at Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji):

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Temple 24 (Hotsumisaki-ji) bell:

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From Temple 24 we were picked up by our bus and driven a few miles to the base of a mountain to start our long hike to mountain Temple 27 (Konomine-ji), stopping to buy lunch along the way. I got a salad and a piece of cooked salmon wrapped in rice and seaweed.

We started our climb at noon, walked for about one hour before we stopped for lunch. Two hours later we arrived at the Temple 27 (Konomine-ji) after an 1800 feet ascent through a beautiful wooded area.

A walk in the woods:

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Two tired pilgrims on arrival at Temple 27 (Konomine-ji):

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Zen style garden at Temple 27 (Konomine-ji):

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Main hall, Temple 27 (Konomine-ji):

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After visiting the temple we hiked down for about half an hour to meet our bus. The final stretch of the road to reach Temple 27 was so narrow and winding the bus could not come up to meet us..
It took us 2 hours by bus to reach our new hotel, a traditional Japanese hotel (ryokan) in the higher mountains in the center of the island at the Iya Valley. The hotel has onsen, hot springs baths, but we arrived at 1800 and the dinner was set for 1900, so we just dropped the bags in the room and headed straight to the onsen for get clean and to soak a bit on the hot pools before dinner.

Two tired pilgrims dressed in yukatas say thanks for the dinner to come:

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88 Temple Shikoku Pilgrimage - Day 5


88 Temple Shikoku Pilgrimage - Day 3